Rapid Inductions and
Hypnotic Phenomena Online Programme
Welcome to Rapid Inductions
and hypnotic phenomena training programme.
I am delighted to invite you to a Rapid Inductions and hypnotic phenomena training programme that is an evidence-based, fun filled education programme aimed at and created for hypnotherapists and students of hypnosis, looking to advance their range and fluency at inducing hypnosis rapidly and creating hypnotic phenomena in a professional manner.
This is an online programme based upon the last two decades of teaching rapid inductions and hypnotic phenomena. I have toured the world teaching this seminar and the video above is what I say about the classroom based seminar….
What You Will Learn
Develop fluency in inducing hypnosis.
Induce hypnosis without scripts.
Understand a wide variety of approaches.
Be confident enough to create your own rapid inductions on the spot.
Use language effectively throughout.
Understand some key underlying theoretical principles and philosophy with regards to rapid inductions.
Know a wide variety of structured rapid inductions. (We explain and demonstrate at least 15 on the day)
Induce hypnosis without scripts.
Understand a wide variety of approaches.
Be confident enough to create your own inductions on the spot.
Make hypnosis incredibly enjoyable for your clients.
You’ll also learn:
How to create catalepsy of varying kinds.
How to create amnesia in an instant.
How to have your client believe and behave as if their hand is stuck – to a pen, their leg, chair and much more besides.
How to create a range of visual effects and hallucinations for your client, including invisibility.
How to create instant anaesthesia and analgesia in your clients.
How to do much, much more than these things… Just wait and see!
Yes, you’ll learn a wide variety of hypnotic phenomena to elicit with clients to convince, enhance suggestibility, create credibility and benefit your therapeutic work. All of these processes you’ll learn will give your clients verifiable convincers of the power of their mind, their imagination and what they can do with hypnosis. Evidence shows that the more a client believes in their own ability with hypnosis, the more hypnotisable they may become, and potentially the more responsive to therapy.
You are going to learn how to absolutely advance their belief in their abilities with hypnosis and undeniable convincers using
hypnotic phenomena that will have the client telling all their friends, family and colleagues about you and your services. Likewise, many believe that being able to create hypnotic phenomena with clients can enhance the perceived credibility of the therapist. It shows you have skills that can help the client to do some amazing things when they apply themselves accordingly.
Back in the 1960s both Barber (1969) and Hilgard (1965) showed that suggestions can be responded to with or without hypnosis, but that the function of a formal induction could increase susceptibility. We think it is important to have a wide range of hypnosis inductions and evidence does show that inductions that emphasise alertness can be just as effective as those that promote physical relaxation (Banyai, 1991). You’ll learn how to use inductions that will result in very responsive clients with a range of tempo, tone and applications.
What you get within the programme:
The Latest video footage of Adam Eason running his Rapid Inductions and Hypnotic (recorded this year).
Full video footage of Adam Eason and James Brown running their magical inductions seminar in London.
Full video footage of Adam Eason and James Brown running their rapid inductions seminar in Bournemouth.
TWO FURTHER full sets of video footage of Adam Eason running his Rapid Inductions and Hypnotic Phenomena seminar.
Additional video resources and video explanations of key elements of the induction and hypnotic phenomena approach.
Comprehensive manual detailing all the inductions and content explained and demonstrated in the classes.
The slides used in the most recent class.
Handouts used in recorded classes.
All this, for less than £100.00!
How to have your client believe and behave as if their hand is stuck – to a pen, their leg, chair and much more besides.
Adam Eason
Your Trainer within this Online Programme:
Myself, Adam Eason — I run this prominent hypnotherapy training college here in the UK and beyond and I have a
thriving hypnotherapy practice on the South Coast of England. As well as running this college, I lecture for the Royal Society of Medicine and at Bournemouth University to post-graduate students and medical professionals. I am an academic and experimental researcher and have authored a couple of books (including a bestseller) in a variety of languages, my audio programmes sell globally and have featured on national television a bunch of times.
My podcast and blog are very well followed and demonstrate my love for evidence based hypnosis in clinical settings.
I am friends with and have trained alongside and under many prominent stage hypnotists and street hypnotists. This seminar was originally created with my friends James Brown, an award winning magician, whose input in this seminar makes it as it is – this online programme includes footage of him in the early videos.
I mention all of this this because the skills they often exhibit can be frowned upon by hypnotherapists, yet facets of what stage
and street hypnosis professionals do can be used to advance the client’s experience in treatment rooms, and create more credibility as well as offer a stimulating therapeutic experience. I have ensured that the skills can be used effectively, ethically and fluently within hypnotherapy rooms as well as out in the wider world.
Diversity Of Approaches:
The combination of influences within this online programme is an interesting one. I have a clinical hypnotherapy background. I favour evidence based approaches and am a stickler for the rationale behind the processes involved in hypnosis. I am an academic researcher and University lecturer as well as running this college.
My work is also influenced by entertainers, acclaimed close-up magicians and professional pick pockets whose performance skills make natural adjuncts to inducing hypnosis with verve and confidence. I want you to have a stimulating contrast of styles and methods so that you gain greater insight and learn more. I want to show you how you can see varying means of inducing hypnosis and that having a depth of varying skills can make you a better hypnotherapist.
Within this online training programme, I demonstrate a large number of inductions that add to any hypnotherapist’s repertoire. I also offer you up the underlying important principles that guide how we induce hypnosis. That is, you get the theory of how and why these processes are effective so that the depth of understanding you have means you do not just have to regurgitate what you see being done in class, you will have the confidence to apply it all your own way and know it is still going to have the same effectiveness.
In addition, I offer up a range of advanced techniques and strategies for inducing hypnosis and critique much of what I do — showing you what is happening and how the approaches vary. I then also offer up my favourite ways of eliciting hypnotic phenomena, creating fabulous effects and helping to enhance the client’s belief in you and their own ability. Though primarily aimed at helping in therapy, this is the kind of hypnotic phenomena that can also be used to demonstrate your skills in most of life’s situations and circumstances. It’ll showcase your skill.
I enjoy laughter in class. It is the best way to ensure a stimulating environment to learn effectively. So while we are very serious about the level of education you get here, it’ll be fun and enjoyable – consider it the spoonful of sugar….. This training college encourages a fun, supportive training environment.
Everyone who invests in this programme gets a comprehensive manual describing all the techniques demonstrated within the videos.
Your Clients and Your Business:
Imagine the scene…. You’re trained and qualified and are working with a client in your lovely fancy therapy room,
the lights are dimmed, the chair is fully reclined, your client has a lovely crochet blanket draped across them, you pop on the whale music and yes, it’s time to affect your best “Hush FM DJ” voice, a sort of whispering-Barry-White-on-dope type of impression, and you punctuate every sentence of your lengthy scenic descriptive deepened with those immortal words “deeper and deeper”…… The client starts to softly snore, completely unaware any longer that they are supposed to be in a hypnotherapy session,
to the point where you could be saying anything at all to them….
You emerge them at the end of the session, they rub their eyes the same way they would if they
had just had a short nap (ironic?) and they utter those words that no hypnotherapist ever wants to hear and never should hear….
“…. it was a nice experience, but I am not sure I was really hypnotised” or “it was very relaxing, but I am not convinced I was in hypnosis.”
Maybe you have heard it said by other hypnotherapist’s clients? I hear this a great deal from clients that went to see other hypnotherapists before coming to see me. Surely this is a problem if you are a hypnotherapist, no?
Following this rapid inductions and hypnotic phenomena training programme, your clients will never utter these words.
They will leave your office undeniably convinced that they were hypnotised. They’ll explain to friends, family and colleagues how impressive their experience was, and your reputation, referred business levels and credibility will all rise together.
Let’s dispense with the reclining chair.
Let’s dispense with the crochet blanket.
Let’s dispense with the whale music.
Let’s dispense with the affected Hush FM DJ impressions.
Let’s dispense with repeatedly saying “deeper and deeper” in monotone.
Let’s dispense with the clichéd, outdated caricature of how hypnotherapists behave, and let’s get skilled up!
Quality hypnosis that creates wonderful responsiveness needs none of these above things.
This online training programme shows you how to induce hypnosis in a wide number of effective ways, and how to elicit a wide range of hypnotic phenomena and effects that will blow the minds of your clients in your hypnotherapy consulting rooms –
it will add kudos, credibility and stimulation to every session you ever conduct with your clients.
If you have ever heard your clients directly or indirectly say about their session with you that “it was a nice experience,
but I am not sure I was really hypnotised” or “it was very relaxing, but I am not convinced I was in hypnosis” then this online programme is going to change that. Clients will leave your office undeniably convinced that they were hypnotised. They’ll explain to friends, family and colleagues how impressive their experience was, and your reputation, referred business levels and credibility will all rise together.
The full investment is £99.00, what are you waiting for?