The Neuroscience of Psychotherapy for Hypnotherapists.


This is a 4-part online course that will primarily involve a series of lectures sharing findings from neuroscience that can be incorporated into your work with clients. Each part will be two hours long and will have reflection points to use and consolidate learning at the end of each session as well as skills to apply and practice in between sessions.

The science suggests that one reason some therapists don’t get the results they seek with their clients is that they may simply be doing the right things but at the wrong time, working against how the brain heals, instead of with it.

So early on in this training I’ll be providing an understanding of how to better apply some therapeutic techniques, with the aim of increasing their efficacy.

Within the programme, we’ll establish the basics of how we can use the insights and discoveries in the field of neurobiology and neuroscience within our therapeutic approach as hypnotherapists, we will explore the four areas of intelligence; somatic, emotional, relational, and reflective, that all contribute to the development of our clients.

Part One:
In our first session together, we’ll establish the basics and seek to understand brain alterations that occur from anxiety, trauma, and depression as well as brain-changing techniques that can help clients recover from each.

The aim is that by by understanding the biological factors at play during the stresses of life, as therapists we are better able to support and guide as well as having a better idea of how to direct our treatment plans.

We’ll learn about neuroplasticity and how to help clients enhance their own neuroplasticity to heal. We’ll examine how stress and modern stressors effect the brain and of course I’ll share the research and literature supporting all of these things.

In this session, we’ll begin to explore the power and impact available when we engage with this work. I’ll also share with you the research that supports these findings. We will also discuss the difference between stress and a stressor, and I’ll introduce the four mechanisms of brain change.

Additionally, we’ll explore the conditions present in the therapeutic relationship that are important for us to engage in to stimulate change in our clients.

Part Two:
Our first main theme of this session will be that of somatic intelligence and how the body can contribute to rewiring of the brain. In this session, I’ll explain the varying types of intelligence that we’ll use and refer back to throughout the entire programme.

We’ll explore embodied intelligence and emotional intelligence in particular in this session (and we’ll highlight two of the most difficult emotions our clients can experience as they seek to change).

Part Three:
We’ll spend some time examining relational intelligence and how relationships effect the brain and explore regulation and resonance within that. We’ll also explore reflective intelligence and how awareness, acceptance, and action all impact the brain and our development.

Following all of the first three parts of this programme, I’ll offer practices and techniques you can use with your clients to develop and support each of the areas being detailed theoretically.

Part Four:
We’ll start our final session examining trauma and how to grown and develop post-trauma. We’ll integrate some of our previous themes so you’ll need to have attended and reflected upon the previous sessions. When examining aspects of trauma, we’ll also examine some of the ways change is blocked within the healing process and how to overcome those.

We’ll conclude by discussing the latest science about and promoting brain health as an instrumental factor in maintaining therapeutic changes. I’ll be sharing a range of approaches that you’ll be able to use right away to promote a healthy brain in yourself and importantly, those that you work with in your hypnotherapy work with clients.

These are broad strokes, we’ll be detailed, thorough and there’ll be time for discussions at the end of each session too.

Dates: 21st and 28th June, 19th and 26th July, 2023. 7pm-9pm.

Free if you are a member of my Hypnotherapist Development Hub.

Note: If you are a hub member, simply go to the latest CPD section for details of how to login live.