As of the new year (2022), I’ll be personally running group supervision sessions every month for members of our hypnotherapist development hub. I have not offered supervision publicly for a couple of years as I have not had the time, but several graduates of mine have asked me about it and so I’ll be running a monthly evening session for those that are members of our hypnotherapist development hub (click on the link for more information, you may also wish to read this article here on this website, I’ll keep the offer open until I close for Christmas). I thought I’d also write a little bit about it here today.

The first thing I do is ask those joining the group supervision sessions to commit to a rough agreement between us that goes along the following lines: To ensure we share our vision and can develop our supervisory alliance, I like to explain a few things and develop some mutual understanding prior to these group supervision sessions. With regards to the supervision process, here is how we typically do things:

1. The session is organised for the time and date stated in the hub schedule of events. It will be approximately 2 hours long. I recommend each person schedule an additional 30 minutes as soon after our session as possible to engage in reflective practice and ensure we derive the most gain possible going forwards with the supervision sessions.

We usually start by discussing any feedback anyone present has relating to a previous group supervision session and we may discuss any reflection, the tasks undertaken and any ongoing development since the previous session.

2. Anyone wishing to engage in the group supervision regarding a client that they are working with (or have worked with previously, or are due to work with), they fill out the case presentation form (I give all the supporting files within the hub). It is filled out for the client(s) they wish to discuss in supervision and it charts what you have done with them up to that stage. Please note; as much honesty and objectivity as possible ensures all gain the most from the supervision sessions. The case presentation is anonymous to protect the confidentiality of the client.

3. At the start of the supervision session, we will agree upon and then outline our objectives for the session and I then ask a member of the group to present the client case to me, every now and then I might butt in and ask questions, but mainly, that person will present the case. Other members of the group remain quiet, respectful and listen without interrupting.

4. I typically ask solution focused questions – aimed at eliciting responses from you. I.e. Supervision does not become a minor tutorial whereby I tell you what to do. We then identify needs and we’ll agree upon tasks that you’ll be expected to complete within a time frame (you’ll usually be expected to complete them prior to our next group supervision session together and with enough time for you to have reflected upon it enough to give useful feedback).

5. We’ll make sure our objectives have been met and that individual’s supervision relating to that client will be complete. We then repeat this process for as many other members of the group present for that session as time permits.

6. Towards the end, we’ll examine any professional issues anyone present would like to raise and ensure we have completed everything on our agenda for that day.

7. You are then asked to complete the supervision reflective practice form provided following the session. This is not to share with me, but to help you move forward, make sure you derive maximum benefit from the session and so that when you commence future group supervision sessions, you’ll be able to make suggestions that will help you gain more from the sessions going forward.

Another couple of points about these group supervision sessions:

a) We get to it. We do not use the sessions for small talking. I like to be as productive as possible and to make sure all present derive the maximum benefit from the supervision.

b) It is solution focused and though I will offer up direct suggestions – I may jolt and nudge you but if you do not find your own solutions, I’ll sometimes make research requests with you rather than spoonfeeding – you’ll learn more and develop in a much more healthy manner.

c) Spaces are limited. If you tell me that you are attending, then are unable to make an appointment, please let me know as soon as possible (at least 48 hours notice) so that we can let someone else take your place. There will be observational spaces available for those who simply observe and are not involved (newly qualified hypnotherapists without a current case load, for example).

d) As with therapy, this is a collaborative process and requires as much of your input as mine to make the most of it. Please, as much as you can, adopt a progressive mindset, understand feedback is all aimed at your ongoing development, and make it your own aim to derive benefit and move forwards with each session.

Additional note on us setting goals and agenda for each session: The generic goals of these group supervision sessions are as follows:

– Develop a collaborative relationship (supervisory alliance) between us.

– Develop an understanding of your ongoing needs

– Gather enough information to help identify your strengths, recognise what you are doing well and identify any areas for improvement.

– Identify any other issues.

– Identify any preconceptions about supervision and the current interpretation of your needs.

– Socialise you to the supervision model being employed and your role in that.

If you think you’d benefit from or would like to come and be involved in the regular group supervision sessions I’ll be running each month and which will count as your official supervision with your professional association, come and join our hypnotherapist development hub (links at the beginning of this article/post).